Anyone for a karaoke night?
Love Story Taylor Swift
Halo Beyonce
We Were Strangers Anastasia
When There Was me and You Gabriella
Almost lover A Fine Frenzy
Alicia Keys No One
Beyonce Ave Maria
Things I don't like this week:
toothpaste foam
chocolate covered chocolate chip cookies (too many C's)
sleeping with socks on
exacto knives
wow it's hard to think of things to dislike. There's so much great and wonderful and beautiful things everywhere, what a wonderful world.
toothpaste foam
chocolate covered chocolate chip cookies (too many C's)
sleeping with socks on
exacto knives
wow it's hard to think of things to dislike. There's so much great and wonderful and beautiful things everywhere, what a wonderful world.
Things I like this week:
Sufjan Stevens front row envy
Jenny's beautiful drawings
crispy scooter rides
chocolate-dipped cookies
D&C 58:3-4
Andrea Bocelli Pandora Channel
Fall skies
Nicolas Nickleby
The first ski snow
Karli's hugs
3 paragraph text messages
Mr. Burns!
Noodles and Co.
Photo Booth
Christmas Songs by Sufjan
Training Wheels
Sofia & Josef
Luigia Dinners
Project Runway
No Class
Jaymay-Blue Skies
Regina Spektor-Real Love
Sufjan Stevens front row envy
Jenny's beautiful drawings
crispy scooter rides
chocolate-dipped cookies
D&C 58:3-4
Andrea Bocelli Pandora Channel
Fall skies
Nicolas Nickleby
The first ski snow
Karli's hugs
3 paragraph text messages
Mr. Burns!
Noodles and Co.
Photo Booth
Christmas Songs by Sufjan
Training Wheels
Sofia & Josef
Luigia Dinners
Project Runway
No Class
Jaymay-Blue Skies
Regina Spektor-Real Love
Sugar Lips
Every once in a while I get these insane urges to buy a huge bag of skittles and pour as many as I can in my mouth and simply endulge in the chewy goodness of a million rainbow swoosh of flavors. To my lucky surprise I was running out the door today and a large bag of skittles caught my eye. With a sting of that strange urge I grabbed the biggest handfull I could muster and plopped the entire lot in without a blink. It felt so incredibly satisfying to satisfy my desires. I felt so happy until suddenly the lot turned into a gigantic sandy clump. My eyes began to water and my teeth were slowly coating with cavity-initiating sugar. As I drove down the rode the stupidity of my idea hit me hard while the nastiest lumpy bubble of death was growing in my mouth the size of a small watermelon. Grossss.
I've only ever acted on this impluse one other time and obviously didn't learn my lesson even though I nearly chocked to death on 8 pieces of watermelon hubba bubba, which turns into the largest goop that is a lovely shade of diarrea brown which makes you laugh so hard you don't know that it's trying to block all access to air until it's too late! Gooey gooey gum drops of slime trickle down the face. Good times with my shlee bop boyle.
I've only ever acted on this impluse one other time and obviously didn't learn my lesson even though I nearly chocked to death on 8 pieces of watermelon hubba bubba, which turns into the largest goop that is a lovely shade of diarrea brown which makes you laugh so hard you don't know that it's trying to block all access to air until it's too late! Gooey gooey gum drops of slime trickle down the face. Good times with my shlee bop boyle.
Ritz fit nicely in a Ziploc
Today I went to get a snack in the kitchen when the words of Marit reflected in my head. I realized that when I get a snack it always has to be in a plastic ziploc or it's not a valid snack. As she recalled one afternoon I was eating an apple. I sliced the apple and put it in a ziploc bag and went in the living room at ate it all.
Life would be pointless without pointless activities.
Life would be pointless without pointless activities.
hi im alyssa
Today marks a monumental day in history: my first bloody nose.
I've never gotten a bloody nose before, in my life, until today.
Grossest feeling of wet
cold blood drizzling out of your nose!
I don't think I've really lived until today.
I remember once I sat in my kitchen and my friend got a bloody nose and we laughed for hours telling stories about bloody noses while the nose blood went on and on like a faucet of bathwater. I always wanted one because in my first grade class if you got hurt in class you got candy. Kind of messed up, but it was Mrs. bottom, so what do you expect? Once my friend Ally sneezed and she caught a bowl of blood in her hands from her nose, but apparently Mrs. Bottom doesn't give out candy to bloody nose injuries, only serious ones that draw real blood painfully like bee stings and scrapes or broken bones. I've yet to be stung by a bee or break a bone knock on wood. I used to knock on plastic wood in my car, don't worry it works the same! Even plastic that doesn't look like wood at all in a different car works wonders, it's all about your perspective on things. knocking on paper totally counts p.s.
See u.
I've never gotten a bloody nose before, in my life, until today.
Grossest feeling of wet
cold blood drizzling out of your nose!
I don't think I've really lived until today.
I remember once I sat in my kitchen and my friend got a bloody nose and we laughed for hours telling stories about bloody noses while the nose blood went on and on like a faucet of bathwater. I always wanted one because in my first grade class if you got hurt in class you got candy. Kind of messed up, but it was Mrs. bottom, so what do you expect? Once my friend Ally sneezed and she caught a bowl of blood in her hands from her nose, but apparently Mrs. Bottom doesn't give out candy to bloody nose injuries, only serious ones that draw real blood painfully like bee stings and scrapes or broken bones. I've yet to be stung by a bee or break a bone knock on wood. I used to knock on plastic wood in my car, don't worry it works the same! Even plastic that doesn't look like wood at all in a different car works wonders, it's all about your perspective on things. knocking on paper totally counts p.s.
See u.
The first time that i met you i knew one day i would know you even better
yesterday! was a pretty incredible day for me, i got to sing a song with the famous, talented and sexy lynzie glaus. My favorite part was practicing in the back alley way before the show. We sung our hearts out through our bursting lungs.
I met a hippy before our show and he gave me some life-changing advice:
You know that little voice in your head telling you that you're just not good enough or you're not there yet. If you dare to listen to that voice I'm going to come up there and kick you. Besides, only crazy people listen to voices in their head. Scream your lungs out!!
He told me he drove all the way from out yonder to see me and lynzie sing her songs. I love crazy joes
maybe i'll put up a vid later when i get it from my sister jenny.
I met a hippy before our show and he gave me some life-changing advice:
You know that little voice in your head telling you that you're just not good enough or you're not there yet. If you dare to listen to that voice I'm going to come up there and kick you. Besides, only crazy people listen to voices in their head. Scream your lungs out!!
He told me he drove all the way from out yonder to see me and lynzie sing her songs. I love crazy joes
maybe i'll put up a vid later when i get it from my sister jenny.
I've never been to a bunny hop

mop, shabop, shlee, shmee lyss and dis, zie, ly, and rit. I like those peoples a lot.
glistening sheen
crisp linen fields
neon lights shining through
but im lazy today
one day
i won't
i'll be
a freshly sharpened number 2 pencil
a raincoat dripping with crystals
the gloss of the moonlit sea
the plush of a newborns cheek
123 click refresh
Fancy and Frisky
I don't want to go to class today, it is tuesday but really it's monday classes. That is possibly the meanest thing to do ever. So i'm sitting in my room and blogging instead! it's actually more beneficial to my education in my professional opinion. To be quite honest i'm feeling sickly so i have a good excuse to not go to class. I always have felt bad about skipping class because i read once in a byu daily universe article that based on the tuition you pay, it costs somewhere around $375 to attend class. I totally just made up that number, but the point is they made me feel really wasteful and ungrateful for the education that i have. on the contrary i am very grateful for the amazing opportunity to go to byu. sometimes you just cant go to class though. i met this guy named spencer and he talked about the points of andy warhol for a long time, i sort of phased in and out of his discussion, he kept saying "the point is that..fill in the blank.." and there were more than 50 points in his 30 minute explanation of andy warhol's crazy factory where people would jump out of the window and andy was just sorry that he didn't get to film it. The point is that in actuality there is no point except to make the point that the point is the point. ok fine im going to class now i dont like capitalizing i, it looks so much cuter and more my personality as me myself and i than I, that just looks like a staple in another stack of homework assignments, i dont want to capitalize anything ever again
this used to be my classroom.
this used to be my classroom.
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