My mamma loves me because she makes me the most delicious smoothies. The one today has fresh raspberries handpicked from a farm somewhere by someone, strawberry ice cream, greek flavored yogurt and a large sprinkle of sugar. I cannot even comprehend how good it tastes when all these things come together. They create something so different to their own personal flavors, each contributing their tiny bit to make something out-of-this-world.

Grand Cayman delight. Nothing can compare. Midnight canoe rides in the magical green swirling waters, 50+ person bike rides to the points, secret bike rides on the dock at night with the creepy guard, getting lost in a book by the pool, watching gidget in the bed full of Popsicles and crumbs, floating in the bay on a rainbow floaty, the pina coladas at rum point, looking for sunset sea shells at stingray city, playing ratatat cat with Kelson, the train game, werewolf, under the sea sing-alongs, early morning dives to nintendo looking lands, the over-sized lemonheads after diving, Viva la vida on repeat, late-night accent changing parties, the thunder/rain storms with tin drums beating in the sky, treasure hunting on water bikes with pirates, real life bang! game, catching starfish in a sea of jellies, the hammocks, the sunsets, olympics opening ceremonies , white and pink sand, torturing hermit crabs with curly bums, free gum ball machine at the airport and the over sized grapes that should be plums. lovely
movies movies never in my life have I watched more movies than I have in august 2008. favorites of the summer:
Love Actually
Bridget Jones Diary 2
Mamma Mia!
Wall E.
Pride and Prejudice
What a girl wants
The importance of being Ernest
& Nanny Mcfee
hahaha i just realized that Colin Firth is in all of those movies except for robot's. It's real love.
I just heard the ice cream man drive past my house, the most glorious sound of my childhood.
July. Me and my munchkin friends

The month of being a fish. swimming, surfing, tanning, Lake powell and mixtapes, scooter rides on steroids (the biggest gang got up to 30) up and down university avenue, falling in love with 16 year olds, fire works, mini cooper rides while MIA sings paper planes, foreign food (four seasons dumplings & peru palace), Miley Cyrus, dippin dots, art galleries, sleepovers, dance parties, swimming swimming and swimming and crepes, i'm a new cousin-aunt to nora the sweet pea.
Marit Kemppainen.

and the most delicious cake of my life because it was made with friends, and warmth and love and raspberries. we actually shaved the chocolate into curls with a potato peeler

Love and life and life and love. New music discoveries (addicted to gospel soul music). The O.C., weddings, feverish kissing in the cloak room at Victoria's station, problematic situations with the doorbell/phone, lion flavored lollipops, circus runaways, good luck, rainbows, british fiends, meeting christain bale/steve carell, heber bowling alleys, ashley's work with cake that slightly looked like donuts, red hot air balloons, blades of grass between my toes, purple doll's death,shark snacks, brain shut down until september 13, fluffyland.

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