
a think that I thoughted

one day as I sat in my garden, i pondered.
I wondered, and wandered and found so much deep beneath the bedrock.
What an exclamation I cried when surprise filled my sight.
It was so lovely I almost ran from fright. Terrifying glory, Sickening bliss, Ghastingly delightful, Delightingly Creepy, Underestimated heart-freezifying.
What might you ask? What is this thing, this living breathing slim and slow fast and ripped slothful thoughtingly churningly bottle of say?
One word slipped from my lips, 2 words tried to escape but one sufficed for the duration of opposites. -Lamp-
try again -prairie-
no again -Excellentation-
one more try -fracture-
why yes. that might be it. where else could something be so say?
three time I was looking seven a greleven way to say the say. ten the first time I ran after it. fourteen the second, I almost felt altwo. But after the third try I decided that nine all of the efforts and not fifty reasons, I went six the last sevender and tee on the fouree, but all that added up ninety was zero.

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