it was dark and i had to take a picture to see where my key hole was.
I was way off as you can see. I'm a little handicapped sometimes.
I probably looked it too cause i got pulled over that night, for reasons of driving on people's yards. Don't worry I really wasn't but the officer didn't believe me or Marit for a while because we looked like drag queen druggies on account of our very important photo shoot being that night which required crazy-bus hair and creepy yet sassy Amy Winehouse maquiage. We looked really hot, he just wanted our numbers but he didn't have the courage to ask us so he was just mean instead and treated us like brainless 5 year olds who got caught stealing a cookie from the cookie jar (who me? yes you. couldn't be! then who?).
My theory on Police: The nerdy guys who always got picked on in high school, now they are taking it out on everyone else, just because they can. Nobody will ever like them. Sorry but you can't force people to like you just because you have pretty lights on top of your car. Underneath all the status and badges, big guns, muscles and greasy hair, you're still just scrawny little Durf the Drag with the ego of a muskrat and the heart of a whampion.
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